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Pivot To Success In The Year Ahead

Nov 13, 2020

- If change is indeed the new status quo, then survival, much less success, will depend on our resilience, adaptability, capacity for innovation, and perseverance in the times ahead. You may feel that the word 'pivot' is getting overworked, but be prepared - in fact plan - to pivot in the future.

I'm not just referring to our response to disasters and traumatic events - the pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, acts of terror. We function in an environment that is increasingly dynamic in so many ways - technology, demographics, geopolitical issues, preferences and lifestyles to name just a few.

Constant learning and constructive change are the new way of life. As New York State's tourism industry leaders and marketers, we must lead the way as the agents of change for the better in our respective communities and organizations.

BobProvost-577k.jpgIt is my sincere hope that the
2020 New York State Tourism Conference
helps you 'pivot' to success in the challenging times ahead.

- Bob Provost