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RECAP: MoneyBall: Rethinking Your Social Media Game to Score Consistent Wins

Mar 25, 2024

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NYSTIA Lunch & Learn Webinar #9 Recap:

During Last Week's Lunch and Learn Webinar, Chris Parsons from Workshop presented his topic: MoneyBall: Rethinking Your Social Media Game to Score Consistent Wins. 

Some Insights from the webinar:

  • What are the top three characterisitics of Workshop?
    • Fully Integraded
    • Collaborative by Nature
    • Value Driven
  • What is MoneyBall?
    • A baseball operations strategy in which comprehensive performance analytics uncover valuable insights and enhance decision-making. 
  • What is MoneyBall for Social Media?
    • The Playbook
      • How modern social media teams inspire actionable analytics in their efforts
    • The Challenge
      • The simplest way to do social media is benchmarking against competitors, mimicking and tracking overall results
    • The Opportunity
      • By understanding your social media performance first, destinations can enable continuously improving content and better forecasting
  • How to Continuously Improve Your Content
    • Benefit from a clear and actionable ruler to rapidly judge the effectiveness of specific content in your social media mix
  • MoneyBall in Action
    • Beginning in 2022, Workshop reinvigorated a clients social media game by putting analytics first, improving underlying performance and scoring consistent wins on a limited budget. 
    • The clients net audience growth increased by 127% by 2023

We would like to give our sincere thanks to Chris Parsons for providing his time and valuable insights on MoneyBall: Rethinking Your Social Media Game to Score Consistent Wins. You can learn more about Workshop by visiting their website

You can view the recording and slide deck below: