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RECAP: How YOU Doin? A Multiple Dataset Approach to Stay Up-To-Date with Your Destination

Feb 27, 2024

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NYSTIA Lunch & Learn Webinar #5

During last week's Lunch & Learn Webinar, Geoff Lacher and Rich Adam from Rove presented their topic: How YOU Doin? A multiple dataset approach to stay up-to-date with your destination. 

Some insights from the webinar: 

  • What does it mean to be data-driven?:
    • Being data-driven means that you engage in data-driven decisions, engage in educating everyone in your organization, eliminate data blockers and enable frontline action. 
  • What is the New Data Model?:
    • Managing data silos speed up cadence to automate insights ahead of charts and provide a holistic look to what is happening now. 
  • New Dashboards in Production:
    • Executive Summary
    • Nowcast
    • Visa-Implied Spending

We would like to give our sincere thanks to Geoff Lacher and Rich Adam for providing their time and valuable insights on datasets. You can learn more about Rove by visiting their website.

You can watch the recording below, and view their presentation slide deck here.