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Greenways Advocacy Summit

Event Details

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Join Parks & Trails New York in Albany on Monday, May 20th for the inaugural Greenways Advocacy Summit, a gathering and lobby day dedicated to expanding New York’s network of greenway trails.

They are excited to share with you the opportunity to convene with trail experts, learn from fellow advocates, and help propel the Greenway Trail movement forward at the first Greenways Advocacy Summit!

Morning Mini-Conference

The morning will consist of a mini-conference at The Egg in Albany, where some of the most respected and accomplished leaders in greenway trail development from around the state will present on:

  • Exciting new initiatives underway to construct additional greenway trails
  • Strategies to enhance trails as centers of local, trail-based economic development

This morning session will be open to advocates, state and local government representatives, and any other interested trail professionals, and will be an opportunity for a far-ranging discussion about the future of New York’s greenway trail network.

Afternoon Meetings with Legislators

In the afternoon, advocates will take to the halls of the State Capitol, and will lobby legislators on the importance of:

  • Passing the Greenway Trails for a Green Future legislative package  
  • Including a significant investment in greenway trail construction in the 2025 New York State budget.

Advocacy meetings require no previous experience, and all groups will be led by an experienced advocate.