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Nominations Deadline: May 4, 2025

The Nominations Portal can only upload files less than 5 MB. Documentation materials (.pdf, .mov, etc) can be provided in the online nomination form using links of file sharing services (Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc.)

  • Your program/project nomination must reference activity and outcomes that occurred between June 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024 and originated in New York State. All nominees for individual recognition (Leadership Categories) must work and reside in New York State. Results reported for your nomination must be attributable to the program or project nominated.
  • Preferential evaluation will be given to entities with programs and projects that demonstrate specific efforts to include diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion in planning, development, and execution.
  • Not all categories/awards are guaranteed to have recipients. 
  • Please refer to our FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions.

*Please prepare your nomination in advance! There is no option to save your progress in the form below. You can prepare your nomination by working with one of the forms below:

Preparation Document
Word .docx
docx 84.2 KB
Preparation Document
Fillable PDF .pdf
pdf 185.8 KB

Award Categories & Example Nominations:

Nominate Below:

*Important: The user session time is limited and there is no option to save your progress and come back later.
Are you nominating work done for a client?
Please indicate: *

Please identify the Agency as the "Nominator" and the Client as the "Nominee."
If the program/project is selected as a 2025 New York State Tourism Excellence Award recipient, both the Agency and Client will be recognized as an Award honoree. 

I. Nominator Information:
II. Nominee Information:
Which of the following best describes your organization’s total annual tourism operating budget? *
To ensure fair competition among organizations of varying sizes, please select the total annual tourism operating budget of the nominated organization. Do NOT indicate the budget of the nominated program/project.
My nominated program/project references activity and outcomes that occurred between June 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024. *
If you are nominating an individual, please select N/A.
In 2-3 sentences, please provide an overview of the program, project or person you are nominating
Please explain what makes this project/program/person unique and exceptional. Include specific details such as challenges overcome, areas of impact, key elements of development, funding sources, future plans, lessons learned, etc. (500 word maximum)
500 word maximum. If you are nominating an individual, please type N/A
500 word maximum. If you are nominating an individual, please type N/A
500 word maximum. If you are nominating a program/project, please type N/A
III. Supporting Documentation:

We recommend that you supply materials to support your nomination. Please ensure that your file is 5 MB max before uploading, or you may risk losing your work. 

If your supporting documentation exceeds 5 MB, please provide a file-sharing link (WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive etc.) in the box below. If possible, please ensure that the link does not have an expiration date.

Please ensure that the file is NO LARGER than 5 MB! For larger files, please us the file sharing link option.
If possible, please ensure file sharing link has no expiration date.